For information on winter holiday activities Westendorf’s tourist office certainly is one of the best sources. The best choices in our opinion are listed below:

Skiing and snowboarding

  • Westendorf is part of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser – Brixental, the largest connected skiing area in Austria. Our village’s location is therefore the perfect starting point for winter sport activities.
  • During Super-Ski-Weeks receive up to 25 % discount on various offers e.g. ski pass, ski schools and so on.
  • Boarder’s Playground is a professional and lovingly prepared funpark where you can improve your techniques. Since 2015 you can also try the beginner’s line at the mini playground on the nursery slope.
  • Large selection of facilities for equipment rental, child care and so on.

Ski and snowboard tours (off-piste)

There are various websites hosting news and tips on off-piste backcountry tours. One of the best is

Cross-country skiing

Discover lots of cross-country ski trails .

Winter and snow shoe hiking

Winter hiking and snow shoe hiking in Westendorf is true enjoyment for all holiday-makers. The numerous signposted and groomed trails lead through the wonderful winter scenery around Westendorf. In addition, free guided winter hikes are offered weekly.

… and even more fantastic possibilities…

… which can be found in the latest version of Westendorf’s  weekly event programme.